Sunday, January 10, 2010

Of all the gin joints in all the world....

I'm in love. With the interrobang. Seriously?! Seriously. Why, you ask? Because life is chock full of punctuation.
A little about me for all (three) of you newcomers:
I work full time in the field of law, but am not a lawyer. I repeat, I am not a lawyer. In the words of Erin Brockovich, "I'm not a lawyer. I hate lawyers. I just work for them." Actually, that's not quite true. I've decided to go to law school. I had planned to go to law school a couple of years ago, then discovered that I wasn't passionate about it and decided not to. Things changed last May after realizing that, while I love my job, it would not make me happy for the rest of my life. So now I'm in school full time now, getting yet another degree (and improving my GPA in the process....what can I say, college was really fun the first time around...REALLY fun!). Now I'm determined. Just call me Shirley Schmidt.
I had this other blog which helped me through a number of things in my life: Struggles with my job, getting my heart broken, losing friends and the like (what can I say, it was kind of a crappy year). Of course, my blog was there in the good times too: making friends, meeting some really incredible people and important (read: life changing) decisions. And of course, there were boys and shoes. You know, the important stuff.
Besides, I've missed Blogging a bit.